Jeff Sims was elected Chairman of Alabama Farmers Cooperative at the 87th Annual Membership Meeting in February 2024. His leadership journey with AFC began in 2016 when he joined the Board of Directors.
Before earning his position as AFC’s Chairman, Sims served as Vice-Chairman from 2021 to 2024. He has served on the Board of Directors at Talladega County Exchange for the last 23 years. He became interested in agriculture in1996 when he started working for his grandfather on a cow-calf operation.
“While working for my grandfather, I would stop by our friendly neighborhood Co-op just about every day for supplies like bailing twine, salt blocks, horse feed, calf supplements and medicines for the livestock,” said Sims.
Soon after, Sims wanted something to call his own. With help from his grandfather, he began raising cattle. He then set his eyes on a new challenge: row cropping.
“The Lord really blessed me because I know I was able to do something that’s impossible to do, to start completely from scratch without any land, equipment or knowledge. I bought 30 acres to start and was blessed enough to retire with 3,170 acres of crop production,” said Sims.
Sims was a quick study and wasn’t afraid to ask for help from fellow farmers. After many trials and errors, Sims figured it out and successfully grew corn, cotton, soybeans and wheat. This allowed for his wife, Leigh Ann, to retire from being a registered nurse and raise their two sons, Taylor and Tyler.

Although Sims retired in 2023, farmers are still top of mind, along with the struggles they face daily. That includes price hikes, equipment and trucking scarcity and labor shortages, which Sims believes have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Despite the ever-growing challenges, farmers are resilient and I have faith in a bright and prosperous future ahead,” said Sims.
To Sims, the future of agriculture is in the hands of young people. A core part of Alabama Farmers Cooperative’s strategic plan is investing in people. AFC offers several opportunities to develop the next generation of agricultural leaders. In addition to scholarships and internships, AFC’s Future Leaders Program provides hands-on experience serving growers and producers in the Co-op footprint to develop skills under the direction of knowledgeable personnel.
“Even if you didn’t grow up on a farm, AFC welcomes you into their family. Your background doesn’t limit your opportunities – whether it’s farming, working for a Co-op or working in the corporate office, there’s a place for everyone,” Sims explained.
That’s where Sims’ mission as AFC Board Chairman comes in: Keep improving the Co-op system to continue helping the farmer.
“The Co-ops have been around almost 90 years and I want to see if stay for another 90. Our local Co-ops have such an important role in agriculture. Our farmers depend on them to provide services that are vital to their livelihood and I want to make sure that that doesn’t change. We always want to keep improving things at the stores, the relationships and the services.”
2024 Alabama Farmers Cooperative Board of Directors
- Jeff Sims, Chairman, Talladega County Exchange
- Brooks Hayes, Vice-Chairman, Headland Peanut Warehouse Cooperative
- Rickey Cornutt, DeKalb Farmers Cooperative
- Matt Haney, Tennessee Valley Cooperative
- Ben Haynes, Marshall Farmers Cooperative
- Rick Hendricks, Jay Peanut Farmers Cooperative
- Steve Stroud, Pike County Cooperative
- Mike Tate, Madison County Cooperative
- David Womack, Atmore Farmers Cooperative
Honorary Directors
- Sam Givhan, Central Alabama Farmers Cooperative
- Bill Sanders, Pike County Cooperative
- Lawrence Smith, Tennessee Valley Cooperative